Thursday, April 28, 2011

Request a potential role of Russia for a serious commitment for a serious Reconciliation process!

Democratic people’s front is anxious to note the Russia’s concern over the reconciliation process in Sri Lanka. In this regard DPF and its leader Mano Ganesan express our serious concern and reiterate that at the end of the war and win their stand to stop the war could not further prolong its process of bringing about an acceptable proposal to the historically unsettled ethno national crisis which had been the cause of the war At least not late than never Russia expressed its concern. The government particularly the head of the state established an, All Party Representative Committee followed by couple of All Party Conferences in view of formulating a political package of development of power, At the end of 136 meetings an acceptable proposal was put out and the chairman Hon Prof Tissa Vitharana handed over it confidently to the President Several countries involved in and facilitating APRC a success. British helped the committee to study the British syllabus. Not asymmetrical power devolution but “devolution as demanded” very conveniently the Prof of London University College explained APRC visited India, Ireland and England and spent a colossal time and money .Here in Sri Lanka we see a communal and fundamentally racial Psyche generated a fear psychosis about devolution. This has never been true in various Countries experienced devolution of power. At least at the end of the war or perhaps in their languages wining of war, the government must have gone ahead with political settlement. APRC package is in their hand readily but there is where government failed by bringing all process towards devolution on to an end. LLRC us the only process towards future reconciliation since they know the lessons learnt by the Tamils there again the commissioners of LLRC witnessed several hundreds of mothers cried before the commission narrating the scenario of the war requested to get their sons and husbands back to them, When this record is available with LLRC Killing and disappearances cannot be recorded as Zero. War crime is a matter evolved through international treaties and laws hence is a matter for international origination to handle. Local organizations and parties cannot take part in this. But with the cooperation of TNA an absolute reconciliation process can be loudly show cased with acceptable power devolution as originally told by the government with 13A + ideas. If end of the war have made it to think 13A (-) now where the process
stand? Why don’t the APRC Proposal be considered as a time saving measure for government to present it to TNA?

Ultimately what we the Democratic Peoples Front reiterate is to request a potential role of Russia for a serious commitment for a serious Reconciliation process, serious devolution of power and a wonderful political package to bring about a Sri Lanka with ethnic harmony since Russia is powerful with in UN. Russia beyond single issue based but must play an over all role along with other interested countries. All must understand the sacrifice of thousands of innocents’ lives. LLRC records will reveal the disappearances and killings. Aftermath reconciliation, Country must become a problem tree, Trouble tree beautiful ethno harmony Sri Lanka. DPF believe a best overall role powerful of Russia.
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