Monday, December 21, 2009

A Sri Lankan identity with equality and dignity irrespective of race, cast & creed!

It has now again and again takes turn to insult the minorities particularly insult Tamils and Muslims. Recently it was observed that Minister Patali Champika Ranavake’s turn to insult the minorities. Troops approaching Vanni if would made him to think minorities as visitors to Sri Lanka he is sadly misconceived. In the backdrop of history of Tamils, Muslims & Sinhalese in search of Coexistence in harmony, Army Commander Sarath Fonseka’s reported statement some times back that minorities should not make unnecessary demands from the government is not only an unwarranted Politicized statement from a high command state official, but also insulting all minority races. These are the attitudes which cause fundamentalists groups of Sinhalese, Tamils & Muslims to be more aggressive.A True Sri Lankan must think in terms of Coexistence and living in harmony. Majority must understand the vital role played by minorities such as Sir P. Ramanathan during 1913 riots. Being a northern but solid Colombo living intellectual and a commanding Tamil Sir P. Ramanathan gave prominent priority to the racial harmony and of Co. Existence. It was Sir P.Ramanathan who initiated matters to declare Vesak a Public holy day in this country. Independence of Sri Lanka is an out come of Sinhala, Tamil & Muslim leaders who laboured united together for the independence. Sir P. Ramanathan and Sir P. Arunachalam and their dynasties can not be forgotten by the history. Sinhalese honoured Sir P.Ramanathan respectfully on his return after his particular mission . It is a pity that making communally politicized statements without knowing the history or ignoring the history. Sir P. Arunachalam had been the first President of Ceylon National Congress. Sarawanamuthu had been the first Mayor of Colombo and various Tamils after that held highly respected positions. Sir P. Arunachalam was assured the Colombo Tamil representation by Ceylon National Congress. Major General Dr. Thurairajah, long before Army Chief Anton Muthucumaru , Navy Chief Rajan Kadirgamar.& Police Chief Rudra Rajasingham can not be forgotten figures in our history.

Ponnambalavaneshwarar Temple has its long history in Colombo. Sir Raseek Fareed and T.B. Jaya can not be forgotten figures in Sri Lanka. It was G.G. Ponnambalam QueensCounsel once led the Sri Lankan delegation to UN. Whose elequent speech was praised by Western leaders. “Minorities” yes only in numeric census but played valuable &vital role in the country holding every highest office even now such as Attorney Generals and Chief Justice & Justices.

Sri Lankan Sinhalese had never been Hindus but Temples of Koneshwaram in Trincomalee & Ketheeshwaram in Mannar , Muneeshwaram in Chilaw hails from several century old history in Sri Lanka. Which witness the inhabitants religion & race. It was Sir Raseek Fareed said once that we must work together for the harmony & prosperity of Sri Lanka.

Muthiah Muraleetharan perhaps may not be given a chance to captain Sri Lankan team but he has made Sri Lankan team & Sri Lanka fame at the international Level. He has symbolically captained a non Srilankan team .If Sri Lankan cricket had been known at international level in the very recent past Muraleetharan too has contributed for this.

Any sincere Sri Lankan must understand that this is a country of pluralistic ethnicity and to cultivate the Sri Lankan identity beyond races & religion. That is the beauty of India we see and the same with beautiful Singapore having R.S. Nathan President of Singapore. If you try to differentiate and split national texture that will spoil the Sri Lankan fabric and ethnic harmony. Only a Buddhist can lead a national Party to be elected the head of the country it has been an unwritten criteria.

India & Muslims

In spite of the fact Pakistan was created as separate country for Muslims when India gave birth to Independent Dr. Abdul Kalam had been whole heartedly accepted as the President of India. Late Rajaji &, R Venkatraman had been the Presidents of India That’s the beauty of India as a real democratic country. Even Muslims in Tamil Nadu Claim themselves first as a Tamil ,they come to the religious identity only if specifically looked at.

King Sangiliyan had been the last a king of Jaffna. Even now his heirs tamils who later lived in Moratuwa are living after ethnic riots in Norway & Denmark. They have been admitted within the society of Dynasty of monarchs in UK.IT is from the contemporary history we find King Pandarawannian in Vanni.


Tamils had been powerful in Anuradhapura. Crown Proctor Sampanthar ,his son Natarajah and his son Advocate Pathmanathan had been crown proctors of three generations in Anuradhapura. Late Natarajah Vamadeva has been the Commissioner of Marketing and he who established MD canning factory for MD products. Later Natarajah had been the Chairman of urban council for 13 years without a contest every time. late Mr Sampanthar was in active practice during the early 20th century before world war I . A Governors note then says that he is one of the two gentleman of some standing in Anuradhapura the other being Bulankulame Disame. Therefore no doubt Sri Lanka had been a multiethnic society; Sinhalese, Tamils, Muslims & Burgers constituted the demography.


It has been a history of ignorance triumph and Drum but when they are enlightening it will be too late for them to act prudently.

Tamils had history in Galle and Polannaruwa too we can find two solid Temples of lord Shiva, Poojas were conducted by Tamil Hindu Bhramin. Pogroms’ & genocides can destroy people but not the historical paramount features. Let who loves Sri Lanka think about working out solution for all the communities to live in harmony in Sri Lanka. Whether any individual or group likes it or not but reality which stands. We must digest the truth perhaps bitter at times. As much as one loves Sri Lanka, must respect the constitution. Winning the war doesn’t mean chasing out the minorities out of the country or the historical ethnic turmoil is settled. Responsible citizen must speak with all responsibility. Unwanted, irresponsible, lucid talks make the soup spoil. It has become a dire need to educate or at least create awareness among Police and service personnel on Political History and norms of Human Rights, particularly among those who directly deal with people. Handful of mere political parties’ uses communal and religious discriminative politics, because that is the only trump card or moto used in their advantage. Most funny part is that they are prejudiced of certain linguistic terms such as Devolution of power, self determination “United “Federal” beyond Clarity of thinking. That is a pity.


It has been the reality that every where in the whole world there will be ethnic based or religious fundamentalists be a handful. But democratic frame work must work strongly not to allow this handful of fundamentalists and communalists to “Veto “the majority manned by democracy.

New order

New President of the Republic of Maldives has honoured the predecessor with out any prejudice on account of the past! What a highly appreciatable example, a highly civilized degree of democracy. Pakistan compared to the history now has recorded a best transition of power this time. On top of these, America with few adverse comments in the eve of the recent election has showcased their top civilization beyond colour, race, cast, creed and religion.

Let Sri Lanka to move forward in democratic civilization accepting the reality of pluralistic, multi ethnic, multi religious country and cultivate a culture free of animosity and revenge but with under standing the reality. Patriotic must accept this reality. British has beautifully devolved power asymmetrically as demanded for respective region, without any fear to avoid separation Cream of Sinhala Nation, Sinhala intelligentsia and right thinking Sinhalese had always for cosmopolitan peaceful existence of all communities living with dignity and equal rights in this country. But this has failed to produce the object “A Beautiful Sri Lanka”, but now a country known well for ethnic conflict, pogroms, war, Air attacks, bomb blasts ,failed past APC’s ,Human Right Violations and failed international negotiations.

In this back drop of writings on the wall, by whom and how to change the psyche is still an unanswered question.

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